Promoting quiet recreation in Wisconsin.
Opposing the coming attempts to sell off Wisconsin's natural heritage.
Fighting denial about climate change. When are we hitting the streets?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Meetings on the ATV trail proposals in the NHAL forest....

Since I learned that Pro-ATV people have been reading this blog, I have shied away from any strategy posts regarding ATV's in the Northern Highland forest. But since the information is out there, I have linked to the DNR website. Read over the recent letters that show when the meetings are being held. Go to the meetings. Write to the DNR board (email me to ask how to do that)

If I could boil down my opposition to ATV's in a nutshell: The name stands for ALL TERRAIN Vehicles, not Amiable TRAIL vehicles. Manufacturers are playing a dual game: To sell as many machines as they can, they market them as able to race and tear up any terrain. The machines are way more powerful than would be necessary to gently roll along a highly maintained trail. But when it comes to presenting themselves to the DNR, manufacturers and their paid interests present the machines as if they were another green form of recreation.

Once a trail is approved, I estimate that at least 10 percent of riders will be yahoos who want to do with their machines what they paid for. Why 10 percent? Because if I complain about snowmobile noise in winter, or motorcycle noise in summer, I am told by someone who shakes their head, "YA, MOST riders are good, but it is always the 10 percent". But that 10 percent has a significant impact on the environment, when there is no way to stop them. (I am listening to some idiot on a motorcycle with illegal pipes riding up and down our rural roads right now)

If as many ATVers come to the northwoods as pro-ATV people suggest, that will be a lot of people riding off trails, and riding with noisy exhaust systems.


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that you haven't heard about the 96 decibel law that was passed for ATVers? You need to do a little more homework buddy. I wouldn't even say that it is 10% in total that are "hell raisers" that you think we are. We share trails with horse riders and tons of other user groups and we all get along great. I would know, I'm out almost every single weekend hitting various trail systems around the state (dropping big time cash flow into these small towns that are hurting). I refer people to visit these areas and support them as well and the word spreads like wild fire. I'm not rich but I drop every dime that I have into this sport. Some people go to church, I go ATVing. It is my therapy and you have no rights to try and take away my rights.

Of all my years as an avid ATVer, I have not once seen a hotel, restuarant or heck, ANY BUSINESS completely booked up with silent sport enthusiasts. We eat out, we use the local lodging, buy fuel and other odds and ends that are needed. We have the upperhand when it comes to that. As you've heard many times, "Money talks & BS walks"..that rings true for anything in life. People are greedy, they want and need money. Silent sports don't provide that. They are extremely frugal and that is frowned down upon. As a business owner, I'd take in a group of ATVers over bicyclists because I know who is gonna drop some serious dough into my business.

ATVing is a sport like no other that I've ever been involved in. I've rode with 3 generations of families responsibly, friends and networks are formed quickly and we look out for eachother and help educate those out there that don't know the first thing about responsible riding. We are molding a new image one by one.

I sure wish you guys would focus all of your negative, pent up anger on your own "bad seeds" and fight to get these wild bicyclists tickets for all of the illegal things they are doing and the littering going on with the hikers and other silent sports user.

Perhaps if you would start your own push against bad things going down within your own would get a little more respect.

I'm a very easy going person and if I have zero respect for your group and what you are trying to accomplish against my user group so I can only imagine what others from around the state are thinking and saying.

Have the silent sporters organized massive trail clean up rides or fund raisers for people in these user groups that are ill in health and things of that sort? I've never seen it or heard of it. We do!

A suggestion/remedy to the noise that you gripe about would be to sit outside with some ear plugs works wonders. 100% silence at all times can typically be found in a library. Perhaps the local library could put some trees and nature around you so that you can sit in complete silence and have a field day.

Vilas county is known for its many lakes and such. Do you complain about boaters as well then? What about them polluting the waters, causing a stir and being noisy as all get out? I guess you won't be happy until you have driven everyone out of enjoying "upnorth" and it is just you and your "chain of fools" sitting there in dead silence thinking...oh golly gee this is fun. What a pathetic way to live your life if you ask me.

Life is meant to be enjoyed with conversations, laughter, getting into the woods to enjoy nature and for me and tons of other Wisconsinites, this would include noise. Get over it already!

Sometimes you need to sit back and reevaluate what a moron you look like to the public with your twisted facts and half truths. As an avid ATVer, I know the truth and you are a liar. I will call you out on it every time buddy.

Try to take down my love of ATVing and I will fight to get bicycle trails, nature trails and other things that you love taken away. Put the shoe on the other foot before you continue on. I'm not joking and I'll be a thorn in your side until this nonsense stops.


Unknown said...

Wow. Muddychick, you've outdone yourself. Bravo.

And so persuasive!

Anonymous said...

This past weekend I visited two of the most active ATV areas in the State of Wisconsin: the Embarass River ATV Park near Tigerton and the Jackson County ATV trails outside Black River Falls.

The Park at Tigerton has been there for about 10 years--in fact, I was there as part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the park. Of course, I took the opportunity to do some riding while I was there, too! I covered about half of the available 20 miles of trails.

I was specifically looking for signs of the horible off trail damage I keep reading about in places like this blogpage. I didn't find any. There were a couple of places where it looked like people had turned around and skirted the edge of the trail to do so. I suppose that is, by definition, "off trail" but it certainly didn't seem to be an issue.

In Jackson County I was riding with my daughter for two days. We covered about 20 miles of trails, I suppose. There were a few places where people had gone off trail to get into some mud that paralleled the trails. In most cases it was actually hard to tell if the mud was the original trail and it had been moved by use or if the mud was beside the trail. In either case, it was certainly contained right along the trail and didn't pose any sort of threat the environment of the area.

And this in two of the most popular ATV destinations in the State.

I've noticed the same things where ever I ride in Wisconsin. There is minimal off trail riding. And where people do have the poor taste to go off trail someone comes along right away and puts up a sign or baricade to keep others from following.

I'd like to suggest that the editors of SilentSports and this blog actually go out onto the ATV trails around the State and get a first hand look at how little off trail ridinig there really is.

Then, perhaps, you can print some truth instead of what you normally print.


Anonymous said... know you love it...don't deny it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

I'll be in Waupaca in a few weeks, maybe we could do some biking? You SO know you wanna! Long time no see. Perhaps I'll see you at some meetings. I have to put the face with the name of the man that pitches the knife in my back. That is okay...I'll keep on keeping on and as always, I know you will too. Life goes won't break my heart.


Unknown said...

I knew that as soon as WATVA banned debate on its messageboard you folks would be begging for us to talk to you again.

It's just too bad we have to debate the deaf. Between your engine noise, name calling and nonsensical yammering, you refuse to hear or understand what the majority wants: peace and quiet and wild places safe from the motorized madness.

You think owning an ATV entitles you to chase everyone else away. That, my friend, is the epitome of selfish elitism.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Joel, if the "majority" want peace and quiet how come we never seen them out in the woods enjoying the peace and quiet? The fact is that pretty much everyone claims to want peace and quiet but very few people actually go out in the woods in pursuit of same. I know because I spend a LOT of time in the woods and see very few other people.

So much for the majority actuallly using the resource.


Unknown said...

You don't see them because you and your ATV chased them away.