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Thursday, December 14, 2006

ATV's are coming for the town roads!

From Kim Kost:

as you are probably aware, the stake holder's group has come up with a loop trail out of mercer to the south.
in order for it to work, a few town roads will need to be used in Mercer, Winchester and MW.
last night, there was a public hearing in Manitowish Waters to consider allowing ATVs on about 900 feet of Circle Lily Road, literally on the black top because the ditches are wetland.
what ensued could be judged anywhere between comical and ludicrous.

according to the MW town board (tb), there is presently a town ordinance that prohibits ATVs on roads in MW.
so the hearing last night was to amend that ordinance to allow ATVs on a portion of Circle Lily road.
I showed up early to read the ordinance, but nobody could find it.
so essentially, the tb had a public hearing about something they aren't even sure exists.
I also questioned the posting of the hearing.
it wasn't a 'typical' class two notice that needs to be posted something like 15 days in advance and in the newspaper twice.
it was merely posted last Friday at the town hall's bulletin board.
(and I didn't find out till 2 pm yesterday)
again, the tb could not say for sure if the posting was legal or not.
(can you say bozos?)

it was a very poorly run hearing.
I won't go into the 'testimony'.
it was more of a back and forth negation of the previous comment than it was a hearing.

after the 'hearing', the tb had a regular meeting.
to make a long story short, they postponed any decision on opening Circle Lily road because of the ambiguity of their being a current ordinance that prohibits such.
most likely, when they figure out something close to what it is they consider reality, they will hold a 'special' meeting to vote on the above.
when that meeting will be is anybody's guess.
more than likely, there won't be much advance notice.

so far, MW is the first town the stake holder group has approached asking permission to use their road.
if MW or Winchester says no, the trail may likely get scrapped.
(I'm assuming Mercer would give the green light to the use of roads)
one of our three tb members, Henry Bauers, is definitely for ATVs in town.
I think the other two could be persuaded to deny access, but that's not where they are leaning currently.

hearing details:
my memory is that there were about five people there who want the trail: Charlie Rayala, a buddy of his, an O'Brien (who's on the stakeholder group) and his wife Phyllis- the head of the Mercer chamber, Bill Schuman from the stakeholder group, as well as Denny Leath
in opposition were Mary Burns, John Bates, four elderly people from MW (whom I assume live near the proposed trail) and myself
I'm probably forgetting someone
perhaps Mary or John can correct me and/or add further comments

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