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Fighting denial about climate change. When are we hitting the streets?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

So you believe climate change is real-what do you want, a cookie?

What's worse? Not believing in man-made climate change, or believing it, but discussing it as if we were merely disinterested social scientists?

How many conversations about climate change have you been in in which folks:

1) Astutely identify psychological and economic reasons why people  deny the reality of climate change?
2.  Accurately assess the lack of intelligent media coverage of the issue?
3.  Focus with laser-like intensity on the influence of dirty energy money in our political discourse?
4) Discuss the impossibility of action in the current political environment?

Nothing wrong with these conversations-I have been in many of them myself-but what is our motivation? Is it  that we get it right intellectually-with a great deal of either smugness and/or knowing resignation?  What will just getting it right intellectually be worth in 2100?   

 "When are we hitting the streets this summer?"  That's the most important question we need to answer now.

Forget about the people who don't believe in climate change.    If everyone who believed in climate change hit the streets this summer:

-The Obama Administration would turn down the Keystone XL pipeline.
-We would stop plans to dig up and ship dirty coal to China.
-Conservatives would rediscover the carbon tax.
-A lot of people who don't believe in climate change would notice. ( motivated by the passion of those who are already motivated)

When are we hitting the streets this summer?

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