Promoting quiet recreation in Wisconsin.
Opposing the coming attempts to sell off Wisconsin's natural heritage.
Fighting denial about climate change. When are we hitting the streets?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The pleasure of waysides....

I have a question: How many people a year stop at the wayside on the Manitowish River on their way to somewhere else? Waysides, even when not far from a highway, tend to be little islands of calm on a long trip, or a place for people who can't go far from their cars to enjoy a bit of the northwoods. Waysides are ambassadors, in a sense, to the traveling public.

If "interfering with other user groups" means anything, won't building an ATV bridge at at a wayside constitute significant disruption to a user group? ATV supporters say "it doesn't matter, there is a road there anyway", but the road is on one side of the wayside. You will be taking away any last vestige of peace the wayside can offer.

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