Promoting quiet recreation in Wisconsin.
Opposing the coming attempts to sell off Wisconsin's natural heritage.
Fighting denial about climate change. When are we hitting the streets?

Friday, April 13, 2007

When will I support ATV trails?

I just had a thought: Since ATV supporters have been reading this blog for strategy ideas, maybe I should give them some of my own. ATV trail supporters, if you want to decrease opposition to ATV trails, here are ten suggestions I have. If you followed through on these suggestions, I suspect that most opposition to ATV trails would melt away.

Item number one: Lobby to outlaw after-market exhaust systems. Not just fine people who have after market systems. Make them illegal to sell. ATV users need to stop saying noise isn't an issue. Instead, they need to demonstrate that they care as much about quiet as the rest of us. (Most of them do, but when many don't, it is up to users groups to start actively changing the whole culture)

Item number two: Stop being puppets of the ATV industry. If you like riding in wilderness areas, demand that ATV manufacturers stop building and marketing ATV's to be machines that race through trails and tear up terrain. Demand environmentally friendly ATV's, with "trail tires" and not "all terrain tires". (Why do ATV's look like some sort of military machine? What is with that?)

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